Apparantly, Cathay has oversold their tickets, so they let the frequent flyers to have an upgradation to business class for FREE. :DDDDD! >u<~~~~ I slept through the whole plane trip, because you could adjust their chairs into beds, so they were very comfortable.
They gave me an agnes b. make up bag as well.
ANYWAYS, since we were in the airport, we played THE AIRPORT GAME:
It was on my brother's phone. The aim was to draw paths for the aeroplanes to land. They have small and big planes. The number of planes increases as you go, so it gets more difficult everytime!
I watched Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on the plane, because I woke up at 6:50 again. It was a bit violent, but the story was quite interesting. I might go buy their book.
TADA! HONG KONG! We had to get home ourselves, because our parents were too lazy. The weather in here is pretty rainy and moist. Not to mention that it is extremely humid as well!
I bought a Vivi to read on the bus.
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Mum and I went shopping downstairs together. I think she was much more excited than I was. (: We each bought a cath Kidston bag.
Later in the afternoon, we went to the other side of Hong Kong to Timesquare and we went to one of my favourite shop, ZARA!
We spent two to three hours in there. It's nice how they have different sessions for different ages.
THEN, we met up with everyone else and had dinner with my relatives who came back from America. We had our nothern Chinese cuisine again. After dinner, we got home pretty early. Our shopping centre was pretty packed already with people waiting to watch England verses Germany.
We all got home to shower, and Jono and dad went back downstairs to watch the game. I slept pretty early last night at around 10:30. Now my parents went off to work, and I think I'm waiting to go to the gym.
(: I'm going to go shopping with my cousin today, and might as well meet up with my dad in MK!