Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Happy Integrals
Waste of my time when I could be doing school work.
Sorry don't have time to post properly because I really have a life lately.
My god. Waste of my time. My god. I hate math. My god. Integrals are so friggin addictive when you can't even do them. My god.
Okay goodbye.
I'm going to start the cake that the person ordered tomorrow. Bit by bit, so I can get everything done by friday (:
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thank you, God
Sorry for the emptiness in the last few days...hope you weren't disappointed by clicking into here and not find any new.
I think I was depressed in the last few days ^^" cos Jono went into the hospital on thursday...
but he's fine now ^___________________________________^
Dude, but I was so frigging scared la ==
SO, what happened was...
he just happened to be very unlucky that his lung collapsed and so air escaped through it into the cavity, causing chest pains and eventually the running out of breath.
Primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP),
Tends to occur in young people without underlying lung problems, usually causes limited symptoms. Chest pain and sometimes mild breathlessness are the predominant symptoms. Tall males are characteristically at a higher risk of PSP. It has been found that PSP occurs more commonly during changes in atmospheric pressure and during exposure to loud music.
So ye..basically I spent the last few nights at the hospital with him and got home really late..not that I'd feel like blogging even if I had the time to. But ye..I'm so much happier now ^________^ but he still has to stay there...we dunno for how long..untill his wound/hole heals itself and closes.
And you know..when he was seeing the GP himself because he couldn't breath...they wanted to call an ambulance for him, but he said NO.
"Don't you have to pay for the ambo?"
So he DROVE himself to the emergencies while he was running out of breath =______________________=
Pray to the Load~
BUT ANYWAYS, we were so retarded on the first day that we didn't realise how serious it was..and Jono was like "LET'S TAKE SOME PHOTOS =D!!"
So we did.
I got pretty freaked out and when I got there he was like...
Nah, he was like..
n ye they stabbed a tube through his chest and into his lung extract excess air and inflate his lung n etc..
and omggggggggggggg
they gave him an external lung!=D
We named it Wilson. Then we also realised it had many other names too, such as 'chamber', 'drain', 'the box'...and etc
some nurses called it ICC too.
but ye, Wilson sounds the best (:
We kinda joked around on the first night a lot then some family next door to us was like crying hard out so we stopped.
But ye, we didn't realise how serious it was back then and so i fell into my depression after that...
but all good now ^____________________________^
Going to visit tonight and eat dinner together again (=!
We reckon this is the best photo. -v-
n omg he can't go back to HK in the June holiday now, cos no high pressure activities in the next few months HAHA -v-
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
So shattered today
ANYWAYS, here's the cake:
cos I wasn't satisfy with the way I assembled it
Just didnt look very nice...:/ I think
The cream seemed a bit weird
OH, and they are two small Mocha Cheesecake with caramalised almonds =)
The taste was good...
Though I think somehow it looked better before..
and then this part went really bad..
Finally found where to buy paper cake boxes
Hehe tiny fork for tiny cake
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
I feel like that is the only reason why I will be studying hard for it. Shame la~
But seriously, $200 for a stack of paper under exam condition. My god.........
Parents' money = tough money.
ANYWAYS, I had been really busy lately, such as registering for that...
and also my cake is sitll not finished yet but I definitely will tomorrow night and show you guys some photos on wednesday. I must get it done before that! ^^
It is unlikely that I will be blogging untill then.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
You will have the best time of your life.
I gaurantee you.
JUST DO IT TuT....................
Unless you can't handle sweet things. Like YOU. hmph
Okay, I'm seriously sad now. You know when you press cut for a number of photos from your camera files then you forgot to paste them and then copied something else, then you pulled out your camera cod without realising that you havn't pasted those photos you copied first? And you've completely lost those photos that were cut out but not pasted to anywhere and they don't even appear in your trash bin or anything?
Am I making any sense?
Okay, but...I guess that's the only sad thing happened today :/
....ahh massive failure..............T.T
ANYWAYS,,I didn't get home very early :( so I only started baking about an hour ago. And so I guess I will have to finish it tomorrow.
You guys can play guess what cake I'm making ^___^
Friday, May 20, 2011
20th May
Now you guys who can read Chinese and speak mando can thank me now
cos you will all go and use this awesome line or whatever on whoever you want to use it on (:
Have fun. Thank me, karma.
BYE and good luck!
oh AND YOU TOO. The one that screamed at me. My throat hurts so bad now. Just for shouting back. Like what, three lines? -- My god...I think I'm gonna lose my voice again soon. Hate you so bad. Omg seriously i honestly hope you don't see this but you won't, pretty sure. cos omgggggg you're seriously sooooooooooo cra-aaa-zyyyyyyyyyyyy like wth!! == grrrr hate u so bad cos it hurts now.
i hate TT"...
ANYWAYS I had been really really busy lately so I never posted in the last few days.
And I don't think this will be anything interesting either.
Maybe it will get better on sunday cos I'm making a cake (:
Seriously, people...
hope it gets better.
SO, cooked dinner last night and had random pork chop. Anddd, I really felt like a making a stir fry vegetable dish.
Dislike bad stir fries. :/ Those that don't even taste like they've been through a wok. AND SO, I shall show you my special one :D
but anyways,
-didn't even realise Tim Tam was there
-frozen green peas
-3 cloves of garlic
-pinch of salt, sugar, rice wine
-chicken powder!!!!
chop garlic and onion, slice carrot, dice zucchini
and you're ready to go!
Remember to have your stove on high, so that you can brown them garlic nicely~!
Actually, add the carrots and onions right before it browns.
Stir till the carrot slices are half cooked and toss in the zucchini
Meanwhile you have to be quick adding in all the seasoning by taste and stir the ingredients so that they don't get burnt!
Add in the green peas when you're close to finish,
and it is finished once the peas are soft!
TADA! =)
Super healthy stir fry<3
Keep the wok on high!
Just remember~
AND bought this awesome colour
just for the shatter ^_^
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Feeling Cos90
Cos@ just seems...more reasonable, than Sin@.
I like to measure it that way. Angle between needle and magnet and use Cos@.
They instructed us to measure in three stages today. 0 to 45 to 90 degrees.
When they met, everything's just concluded by Cos0. It's zero distance too.
Pulling the magnet away, the needle moved from 0 towards 45...like most of you would know (:
Three times we measured it. Three.
Once at cos0...1
Once at cos45...0.7071
It became predictable everytime. and maybe disappointing...
Then needle reached its furthest. Cos90.
I didn't like to see it happen. Cos90. But the magnet was just pulled further away. And the compass needle just remained at Cos90.
Cos90 equals zero.
1, 0.7071, 0.
Further it goes, further the value lessens.
But look at it the other way. Tan90 for the magnet.
Even though they say tan90 is undefined, but I'd say it is just reaching towards its limit, towards its goal la (:
Because of that Cos90, there is the Tan90
Tan90 I love
Monday, May 16, 2011
"...Hester, who, in her fussing around Meg, forgets to wish Jessica goodbye."
I never knew that you could say, wish a goodbye.
Never knew why, but I just know that goodbyes were meant to be happy.
I guess it all justifies, now that this wish a goodbye made me see that goodbye says goodbye.
And...I was going post this on the way to school this morning. Somehow I just decided to save those few cents of my credit
ANYWAYS, something I did today:
red...for winter! :D
u know i once wanted a pink DS just because it was PINK
Saturday, May 14, 2011
AIYA, this book is just filled with DRAMA. And to make it worse, it's based on true story. I can't handle things like this. One Litre of Tears made me cry on the first episode already. BUT SERIOUSLY.
THIS BOOK, I was sooooooo happy when Jack finally asked Jessica the tomboy to marry him la. Then WTH, her evil sister SEDUCED him. Just because he is rich.
It's so sad. I didn't expect that. I really really don't like home wrecking people.
It's like.. worst than one hundred fag number ones.
really really really really hate them. why do they have to ruin people's families. It's even worse when children are involved.
I hope they get burnt on sticks. Or their boob implants melt in them.
They are just so EVIL LOR. And also the male. Life RUINERS.
ANYWAYS, I'm sorry... just can't.. get over home wrecking people. It's really depressing. I'd prefer watching anything gruesome than that.
ANYWAYS, kinda sad as well because I bought Jono a chocolate mudcake. He'd been saying he wanted one. Then when I got home he wasn't here and auntie told me that last night he said he's sleeping over at friends. @-@...............................................so maybe I won't see him for awhile?
sad lor... there was nobody to listen to me blabbing about home wrecking people and now you guys have to suffer
and because of that, I also ate half of the cake by myself.
ANYWAYS, omg I'm going to keep reading the book before I sleep. My mum wants to find out what happens to Jessica as well =_______________________________________=
I talked to her on the phone today and that's why I was ONLY depress in the afternoon ^____________^
I'm half way through it. GANBATTE.
I kinda had fun with phone photos after I finished chem tonight. Feel so empty as though I did nothing at all la..
NO CHIN! ^_________^
Good night,
have a nice nightmare~ :3 ^_^ -v-..
okay im getting lame...so easily amused after chem drove me crazy in the past hours.
Is ET a villain?
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Greek Food
Recieved a birthday cake request ^____________________________^ Y
for june
ANYWAYS, I'm excited. It is my next project :)
I havn't blogged much lately, because my time is pretty much spent doing school work and watching MASTERCHEF. I have a Japanese exam tomorrow, so wish me luck!
Stuff I did lately:
Went to a greek dining place, called Little Greek Taverna.
It's is located down at westend near Coles and it is a corner shop.

These photos weren't taken by me as I did not have my camera.
The prices were not too bad with dishes from ranging from $10-$25.
My friend and I each had a pita wrap, because we weren't that hungry.
I chose the halumi one.
Great pick if you don't feel like meat, but want something heavy I guess :3
The wrap was pretty delicious, with a not too sour greek yoghurt dressing, layered with fresh tomatos and spanish onions. The downside was only the wrap being "not hot enough", which my COMPANION complained while eating and the halumi being not as soft as it could be. (:
I watched them grill the pita, but I guess the fresh vegetables and sauce cooled it off a bit.
ANYWAYS, it is a popular place to dine at night, and I do recommand it, as it is easy to get to.
LOL, but do you what's the BEST greek restaurant..
LEFTKAS TAVERNA down at Hardgrave Rd in West End.
It is rated 4.5 stars, and serves the best greek food I've had.
Strongly recommand it for those that love the greek flavours! (:
OKAY, enough with the food part. There are many more that I do in life than just eating.
Tonight I finally finished those chemistry equations and it is just...
I'm so cheap la, all thirty questions done in one sheet of recycled A4 paper.
Just too good(Y)
Oh so pro lor~
Yalalala im the best
jessica is the best
good night
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I seriously hate life when root2/2 equals 1/root2.
Makes me cry everytime when I look at the answers and it says 1/root2 instead of root2/2
I just feel so defeated.
It kills me to think that I got the wrong answer but couldn't figure out whyyyyyyy
until I finally realise that
root2/2 equals 1/root2.
You guys should remember that too. Or you will have a SAD life
im so sad
Monday, May 9, 2011
HK christmas
Should've posted this yesterday
Mum is whiter <3
Some idiot.
Anyways, I don't feel like talking much tonight, or lately. Bit myself in my sleep a few nights ago. It still really hurts. Then I somehow injured my middle finger during badminton. I squeezed flesh out.
WOAH talk about squeezing flesh.
Watched the first one now watching the second. I was eating cereal this morning when they grinded the guy into mince and fed him to dogs in front of people.
They vommited.

You can watch it on youtube!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Couldn't do it early because I had been out for the wholeeee day
Today was so busy and fun ^_________________^
-Badminton in the morning and some charity
(Ohmygod, I seriously thought I couldn't play anymore, because I really really sucked in the beginning >.>..)
BY THE WAY, I'm probably rejoining badminton for school this year, so I want to get more people to play! =DDD It'll be fun ^3^ when we won all those games~
THEN, had some food with auntie and her friends.
THEN, met up with my own friend and had cafeeee time =3
THEN, just got back from friend's birthday
I feel so tired now, so I'm going to sleep after I finish with this.
I havn't got any photos today, but there are a few things I want to share.
Mother's day made me think a lot lately.
I wrote this on the card that I sent as well.
THANK YOU MUM, for giving me such a perfect family.
I really do feel grateful. Dad, mum, Jono and Jacob and...........lalala
are the greatest and most wonderful people that God had ever gifted me.
I feel 幸福
It says xin fu, which I don't think there is matching word for that in english.
Blessed, happy....?
I really do feel so.
Today didn't feel like a day to thank my mother, but also to appreciate the people I have. So I'm saying HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to everybody ^______________^
I have awesome brothers...Jono, Jacob, and maybe a Jhomas. BAHAHAHA you're gonna see this.
OKAY, enough with that, what I really really really really want to share with you guys is a story that I read today. I am bad at explaining things, as you guys might have realised, but I truly hope you guys will understand the message behind it, or atleast FEEL it like I did. It is simple and short, but it really is, truly wonderful.
The travelling monks at the river
Two traveling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed.
As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. "Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!"
"Brother," the second monk replied, "I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her."
And this is my gift to you all on this special day.
Even if nothing special happened to you, I hope this will make your day, as this is one of the few that totally made mine.
Good night, guys.
thank you mum, dad, Jono, Jacob,
everyone I saw today
everyone I hang out with at school
those that read my little gift
and most of all, thank you God,
because you never stop giving.
outbreak lately, but I'm happy ^^
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I've been sleeping wayyyyy past my bed time as well ANYWAYS, went out to have yum cha with carmen and her family today.
It was fun^^ and when I got home, auntie and I cooked together.
She's having a break atm from those..assignments. She cooked the vegetables and I made the custard egg :P
The other day:
ANYHOW, David Jones finally called on friday :
Finally had it~ !^__________________^
It CRACKS when you apply
Anddddd it's so much better than the BYS one.
That one never cracks properly and took agesss.
Wasted 4 or 5 dollars ==
Then you apply the shatter paint...
It basically started cracking as soon as I applied it. o.o
It's ugly, but it's doing its magiccccccck
Kinda purple here.
Mmm...it did take a few attempts and practices before I was satisfied with it. The cracks kind of depended on the consistency when applying the paint. I guess you can create a few more different kinds of shatter patterns by playing with it! :D
TEEHEE, I really like Revlon. The nail polish. Thin, consistent, dries quickly.
It's easier to apply than OPI sometimes. O.O
ANYWAYS, my auntie hung lights onto the trees along the pathway outside the house:
It's pretty ^___^ I'm so happy~
OMG, busy day tomorrow :P GOOD NIGHT
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mother's Day
So I went to buy my mum a card today, except it probably won't make it all the way to hk on time >.>
Being a considerable sister, I picked this.
and inside it has..
so many hearts! ^____^
so much love! ^____^
Writing in it made me realise how bad my literature is...
I was thinking of whether to write in english or chinese, but I'm bad at both.
My Chinese had always been just very...disappointing (:"
But mum will get it ^3^