SO, shall I introduce myself to you?
no, i don't think that is necessary. (:
ANYWAYS, i couldn't think of a better URL than what i've got right now, so if you think my immaturity or what-so-ever annoys you, you might as well leave at once.
(I did my best on inventing a decent URL for your convenience, not to mention the fact that i had to put up with the entering of the never-ever-legible "word verification" everytime i tried to change it.)

Like, what is THAT?..

or THIS?
ANYWAYS, school is like so stressing with all the exams and such, so I probably won't be blogging the next week or so. Maybe few very short posts out of extreme boredom.
OHMYGOD today i realised how retarded i am sometimes..I was like walking with Vico and Hayley to Garden City today (for North Shore)and we bumped into Noah, and the conversation sort of went like this:
Vico: Oh hey
Noah: oh HEY (you know that really surprised look which he always has)
Vico: you getting picked up?
Noah: Oh nah, waiting for the bus.
(note that we were walking past him in hurry, and so out of niceness, i'd decided to say good-bye and wished him a nice weekend, when actually i said...)
you have no idea how retarded it sounded TT
and then Vico laughed all the way in the car paRk, while guy in random car watched her impatiently and waited for her to move away. I'm glad Hayley didn't hear what i said, or guy in car wouldve wanted to run her over or something.
ANYWAYS, i was really bored a few days ago after school so i bought lashes from MAC :D, but i think they are a bit too long.

Played with the lens i bought in hong kong as well...very bad for your eyes, where you can see the ring of your pupil discolour after taking them off. So I think if you wear them too much or too often, your pupil will eventually shrink, would they?
ANYWAYS i feel tired already..blogspot really IS time wasting..
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