ANYWAYS today i took the train to Sandgate! I went to buy ingredients, because I had to cook dinner again. I swear western countries have supermarkets too big that asians with bad eyesight like me have trouble finding what they need. I shopped for two hours, because I seriously enjoyed reading every item's package. I feel like turkish delight at the moment...
WELL, that was random. Ohmygod, So sad...School's starting tomorrow, which means study again..I probably won't get to to cook as much.
BACK TO TONIGHT'S DINNER, grilled salmon with teriyaki sauce and soba salad: didn't look very nice as it should've been. I've never grilled a fish it took a pretty long time, because I didn't want to burn it before the inside is cooked. HAHA, thirty minutes...........................
ANYWAYS, reason why I also went to the supermarket was to check out what Jennifer recommended this morning on msn. She's so cool! :D We talked about food, and apparantly, Master Food's Satay Chicken Sauce is very nice. She had tried it before and said it could be found in Woolworths, but I just couldn't find it. FAIL. My eyesight is getting worse, since I've been watching too much dramas on my laptop during the holiday. Oh well, I always have my glasses in my drawer, and my eyes will probably get better once I resumed to school.
OH YER, I better go sleep now...hope 2010, term 2 will be a good term for me! Pray for me!
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