ANYWAYS, the sushi recipe, as requested:
I actually made it on wednesday. Jono kept complaining, because I used chicken breast instead of chicken thigh. So annoying.
(For two sushi rolls)
-2 cups sushi rice
-Sushi vinegar
(cook the rice and add a reasonable amount of vingar to taste. Mix, and set aside)
-1 small bowl of chicken
-2 sheets of seaweed, toasted
-1/2 avocado
-5tbsp white sesame, lightly toasted
-1 cup raw sugar
-1/2 cup soysauce
My recipe isn't one of those perfect ones, because I don't usually measure what I put in, so you might have like extra teriyaki sauce left in your pot :/ You can keep it in the fridge and use it to cook other things though :D
Here it goes:
1. Heat soysauce and sugar in a pot on high, and mix until well combined.
2. Meanwhile, Cut your chicken into stripes
(Maybe half the width of what I have here, because mine turned out to be a little too thick and I had to cut them in half.)
3. By then, your teriyaki sauce should be boiling like this now. Turn the stove off:
(It has to boil like this, or else it won't get the caramelised texture when cooled)
4. Stir fry, pan fry or grill or chicken:
(Note: my chicken stripes where to thick so I cut them in half afterwards)
5. Chuck your chicken stripes into the teriyaki sauce and stir, until well coated.
6. Meanwhile, cut your avocado into stripes as well, similar to the chicken:
7. Place one sheet of the toasted seaweed onto clear wrap. Spread some sushi rice on top until well covered:
8. Flip seaweed and rice over and line up the avocado and chicken on top:
I like to have the chicken marinated for longer, untill they are as dark
9. Roll your sushi from the end with the avocado and the chicken. Pulling out the clear wrap as you go along. Shape you roll into a square by pressing. Pressing harder will also keep the sushi from falling apart.
10. Remove the clean wrap, and coat the sushi roll in sesame. Then cut into pieces with a wet knife.
Hehe, you can see the piece of avo that fell out.
I always sharpen my knife before I cut sushi rolls. They are easy to fall apart when the knife isn't wet or sharp enough.
11. You might like to serve your sushi with mayo and the chicken teriyaki sauce for more flavour!
ANYWAYS, sadly, my second roll was a failure, because I got the seaweed and rice the wrong way around:
I guess it's still alright that way.
WELL, have fun! :D
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