ANYHOW, the colour did not turn out to be asian at all.==
It was lighter than I expected like when I first dyed my hair at the beginning of this year?
It turned out to be very dark brown at first, but after a few washes the colour faded.
WELL, I went to straighten my hair in the end.
(: ....
Yes, after all that trouble of curling my hair not so long ago.
Hehe new phone's front camera sucks.
Jono was doing Jacob's homework, like mum used to do for him when he was young. (:
OH YE, do you guys remember those aboriginal paintings that we did in year 6?
SEE THAT? My parents hung it up on the wall xD
Hope you kept yours~
ANYWAYS, last night we went to this superrrrrrr old restaurant for
I dislike it though. But I must admit they have the most traditional Northern Chinese Cuisine, that you can't find anywhere else...their dumplings are exactly like the ones my dad's mummy cooks.
EW, I hate dumplings.
In new years we were always forced to eat them.
My grandparents divorced so I always had to eat New Year lunch twice, which means twice the amount of dumplings.
My grandfather is from somewhere near the sea in Shangtong, and my grandmother's from more inland. So one makes seafood dumplings and the other makes pork.....
I dislike those dumplings.
ANYHOW, maybe it's because this is the only good one that makes it so popular. You can't get a booking on weekend nights or new years, unless you make a reservation one to two months beforehand.
We got a table at nine o'clock O_O
It's sooooo old. All the waiters are like grandpas...but they are good.
Jacob. He wears glasses now :(
Do we look alike?
Teehee, BYEBYE
ps. pimple outbreak in hk T^T
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