Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hey umm I know I don't blog much anymore but I just had a sudden urge to post tonight Im supposed to be sleeping since it's past ten already. Instead my eyes were just wide opened and I was reflecting Mainly people I was close with eversince last year I know I never talked about guys on my blog, but tonight you might be lucky to hear about most of it.. It's a win win. You get to entertain yourself for another few minutes reading and I get to brush things off. Note, I'm not the best writer and I'm also doing this on my mobile, so bare with me if you want to continue. So here's the story... There were two fags. ye I used the word 'fag' but I have no better word to describe them. Im really sorry) and two good guys. (And I'm going to separate them so I dont get you girls confused. (ye ull also understand later on why I'm directing this mainly to girls) Also you might be getting a different perception of me since I'm not only talking about one, but four guys. But honestly, that's not a big number to come across with right? Don't lie. I promised I'll be honest tonight, so do the same and return my favor. Let's begin with fag number one.. Fag #1, this is my dedication to you, I was never able to express myself nor describe you, but my dear best friend and i finally found the perfect word for you. You're a coward. And I could say this to your face if you think I don't have the guts to. It's because I still have a bit of heart, and I believe it'll save your embarrassment if I do so. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that feel this way. Now, I'll stop directing this to him. Fag#1 thought he was so smart that he could lie to everybody when everybody saw trough him already. I learnt from him that cowardly denying everything and lying without blinking could really score yourself some girls sometimes. I Really did thought fag#1 and i were cool about each other, but NO. sadly, he had to be a loser, like he always was (and I just never saw the l real side of him while my friends did n I might talk about that later) and wouldn't leave me alone. Verbally abusing me with sarcasm was not at all smart but immature and just showed how much of a loser he was. He also abused my friends when they were defending me. Sad loser. He was so rude. This loser was all nice to me untill up to the point of total rejection, because I could no longer handle it. Of all the things he did, not just to me, but to other girls as well. Hey, I gave up on everybody for you. LUCKILY, nearly everybody, but two. Anyhow, It's seriously funny how you could still deny your actions, when obiviously everybody knew what the reason was. I told you I'd like to save you from embarrassment, because you'd cry your eyeballs out in front of everybody. You didn't even have the guts to own up your faults. I was disappointed in you, so I decided to stop seeking the truth from your very own lips, because I thought there was still a bit of friendship between us. BUT NO, like I said. You looked for trouble. And there's nothing I could do about that. But just telling you, I'd LOVE to punch you in the face. And that, is why we might be no longer friends now. Lastly, to those girls out there, be careful of guys like fag#1 or fag#1 himself. When he wants you, he is super nice to you. He sure has the best tongue to compliment you sweetly, but when you choose somebody over him (and there are MANY reasons why you should), his jealousy of other guys takes over and he could do the most, MOST faggiest thing a guy could EVER do. Seriously, fag#1 is faggier than fag#2. That's why he's fag#1 Fag#1, you deserve to shoot youself and do the burrying yourself, because nobody would like to touch you Oh by the way, are you still going to say "I told you so" into my crying face? NO, because I wasn't hurt by anybody. Nothing compare to what faggy things you do. Seriously, who with the right mind would ever say such, a FAGGY thing to a girl that he couldn't get??? I'm really tired and sleepy right now, I never thought I would be able to type this much..I might continue some day later on.. not on fag#1 but ye. So good night. I did not expect you to read that whole chunk above, but if you had nothing better to do...I don't mind. Just read it, for fun. Comments will not be appreciated because the main purpose of this post is not to add fire but to inform. Be careful people~ of fags like him~

1 comment:

  1. I likes this (Y) very nice outrage.
    Fascinate me with more raging post, I'll be looking forward on hearing about fag#2 guy#1 and guy#2 :D
    If only I had the guts to rage about the people I hate on my blog. -sighhhh- I could only do it secretly...
