because I didn't want to stay home
Didn't wonna go home too
ohmeeegod.........*deep sigh
Like Yeonsoo said, "Same old thing?
Because after yesterday. I was kinda like..angry?..

No la.
I'm fine (: Library was fun.
Very productive too!
okay..I don't think my mum wants to talk to me right now..
Thing she didn't know is that...reason why I called more than usual..was only cos.. I couldn't really tell her why but so ye............? This might sound weird...but I just wanted to hear her voice. I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying. But ye.
My aunt called her last night, and I could hear her while I slept.
It was just so...terrible *deep sigh again
And no comment.
What do you expect. I'm cold hearted for not putting HAM into lunch?
I cook for you. I wash dishes too.
And this whole thing got worse? She didn't mention the HAM bit.
Just like a volcano that I can't control.
Jesus Christ.
So don't blame me la.....
and I don't call my dad and tell him these kinda stuff too. It's kinda true that you shouldn't give them more burden when they have to work already?'s just like..there's nothing I can do when nobody hears my voice and my neighbor's dog just likes to bark
But I'm still alright.
I think I just turned from being sad to...angry
Okay, I'll just sleep now.
I need a REAL diary
omigawd............I feel bad now
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