Friday, December 10, 2010
Then we walked back to our apartment and he seemed a bit high (:
What's wa wa chiku hua hua? O_O
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
We had Pizza Hut for lunch.
At Muji's:
I drew with their pens :D
Then yesterday I took him and Ben around Mongkok to shop.
I got there one hour early because I thought I told them to meet at twelve when in fact I said one. :/
SO, I had a red bean pudding milk tea while I waited for them and walked around.
THEN, instead of lunch, I took them to eat dessert.
Carmen's favourite place:
They tried to fit the three of us into that table.
We moved when people from another bigger table left.
Devin and I like to take photos so much that we forgot to order (:
No wonder the lady had been staring at us for so long. :/...

Slushie with special mango ice cream in the middle.
Ben's has coconut noodles
Mine's strawberry and glutinous rice balls :D
Devin's just plain mango with glutinous rice balls
ANYWAYS, going to yum cha with my grandmother and relatives again. :D
BYEBYE! Oh, and my outbreak is getting better ^^

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hair Update
ANYHOW, the colour did not turn out to be asian at all.==
It was lighter than I expected like when I first dyed my hair at the beginning of this year?
It turned out to be very dark brown at first, but after a few washes the colour faded.
WELL, I went to straighten my hair in the end.
(: ....
Yes, after all that trouble of curling my hair not so long ago.
Hehe new phone's front camera sucks.
Jono was doing Jacob's homework, like mum used to do for him when he was young. (:
OH YE, do you guys remember those aboriginal paintings that we did in year 6?
SEE THAT? My parents hung it up on the wall xD
Hope you kept yours~
ANYWAYS, last night we went to this superrrrrrr old restaurant for
I dislike it though. But I must admit they have the most traditional Northern Chinese Cuisine, that you can't find anywhere else...their dumplings are exactly like the ones my dad's mummy cooks.
EW, I hate dumplings.
In new years we were always forced to eat them.
My grandparents divorced so I always had to eat New Year lunch twice, which means twice the amount of dumplings.
My grandfather is from somewhere near the sea in Shangtong, and my grandmother's from more inland. So one makes seafood dumplings and the other makes pork.....
I dislike those dumplings.
ANYHOW, maybe it's because this is the only good one that makes it so popular. You can't get a booking on weekend nights or new years, unless you make a reservation one to two months beforehand.
We got a table at nine o'clock O_O
It's sooooo old. All the waiters are like grandpas...but they are good.
Jacob. He wears glasses now :(
Do we look alike?
Teehee, BYEBYE
ps. pimple outbreak in hk T^T
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Been wanting to try this one..
because the bottle squeezes out dye in foam form...looks interesting :P
ANYHOW, just thought that I would dye my hair back to the asian colour, so I won't ever have to redye it again...My hair is very damaged as you may have noticed.
I'm not doing a very good job of it though, because I have stains everywhere on me now.
WELL,,hope it turns out alright (:
SO, well.......I don't feel like going out much these days...don't know if it's because I'm not used to too many people on the streets anymore. Or maybe it's because I'm still having a really bad stomach ache ever since the plane trip.......
I get it every time I change places, except this time it lasted for longer.
The night that we came back, we had hot pot at home:
OHMYGOD, and the use of the Octopus card (just like Go card in Brisbane) in here is freaking me out a bit...
Years ago it was only for transports and now you literally use it for EVERYTHING.
Which includes...
-Maccas, KFC..any fast food restaurants
-Transport, of course
-Seven Eleven and any other convenient stores
It's just a bit scary knowing the fact that people could spy on you...
Maybe I watched too much movies, but you get the point.
I'm bored lately...because all my friends still have school..SIGH
Maybe Ill go shop by myself soon (:
Hehe, Jono has to sleep on the sofa
Been wanting to try this one..
because the bottle squeezes out dye in foam form...looks interesting :P
ANYHOW, just thought that I would dye my hair back to the asian colour, so I won't ever have to redye it again...My hair is very damaged as you may have noticed.
I'm not doing a very good job of it though, because I have stains everywhere on me now.
WELL,,hope it turns out alright (:
SO, well.......I don't feel like going out much these days...don't know if it's because I'm not used to too many people on the streets anymore. Or maybe it's because I'm still having a really bad stomach ache ever since the plane trip.......
I get it every time I change places, except this time it lasted for longer.
The night that we came back, we had hot pot at home:
OHMYGOD, and the use of the Octopus card (just like Go card in Brisbane) in here is freaking me out a bit...
Years ago it was only for transports and now you literally use it for EVERYTHING.
Which includes...
-Maccas, KFC..any fast food restaurants
-Transport, of course
-Seven Eleven and any other convenient stores
It's just a bit scary knowing the fact that people could spy on you...
Maybe I watched too much movies, but you get the point.
I'm bored lately...because all my friends still have school..SIGH
Maybe Ill go shop by myself soon (:
Hehe, Jono has to sleep on the sofa
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hong Kong
It's winter here, but stll isn't that cold
ANYHOW, this wee had been amazing...wen out with friens every singleday after my math C block exam.
Monday: Vico. We ate and talked for over 3 hours at the food court. >v<
Chopping those chocolate
Jono had some puding later that day as well
Then went to the beach at Shorncliffe
i tried to minimize everything.
THEN, that night, I went to the airport and bumped into three other people, on was which was Foonie (:
I was on the phone pretty much the whole time because there was still ages till my plane leaves and Jono was reading a book.
THEN, today I'm in Hong Kong.
I've been so clumpsy lately...
nearly lost my passport when checking in.
Then whats more embarrassing was when I followed Jono into the guy's toilet at he hk airport T_T...lucky none of the guys in there saw me...there were MANY. Jono pushed meoutside quick enough. This lady in front of the female toilet saw me and laughed...SIGH, this is my second time.
THEN, today I walked around so much. Up and down from my apartment to the shopping centre beneath. Had to buy phone cards etc, then bought wrong one, cos iphone uses small ones, so I had to go back down to change the size, then I had to fix my apartment security card or whatever.
and in three minutes Im going o go and pick up Jacob from school, then take him to hs piano lesson then SEE MY PARENTS TONIGHT and eat hot pot at home (=
I'm so excited
so i really have to go now.
sorry if my post sounded very dodgy or if I misspelt anythin my dad's keyboard is really bad
SO YE Ill try to keep you guys updated with wht Ive been up to!!!
-First day without you-
OI, PS, I really really miss you guys.><
Friday, November 19, 2010
Havn't been studying that much lately as well...doing that only makes me feel less guilty before an exam in case I get a bad mark...if I do, it would probably make me feel better knowing that I actually tried before the exam.
ANYHOW, since I had no exams yesterdayyyy...and that on tuesday I didn't bother with anything...where I drew cakes...I drew THIS...
mm, not a very good drawing,
but then... came alive!
Except without the fresh cream as illustrated.
ANYHOW, it is the...
Hehe, I just have to add sponge cakes to everything.
I think the mousse would have tasted better if it was a bit sweeter though.
Maybe should have used some blueberry Jam and less fresh blueberries, because they are a bit flavourless.
ANYHOW, It was also a bit annoying to decorate the mind was just blank :/ so that was the best I could do...not very impressive but oh well (:
ANYWAYS, I didn't know it would be so soon that I resume to blogging.
Maybe more often now that I only have one exam left and then off to HK?
I'm so excited about Harry Potter
and also eating
and also
Oi...the exams have made me really weird I the only one that felt disconnected from everyone? It felt like things were drifting away, apart, or whatever, but now I know they're not.
FACEBOOK KEEPS ME CONNECTED.'s just talking that made it better.
“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.”
Yup, that says all. (: ...Thank you la
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Long Time
Maybe someday I will give you guys a clear explanation of why I havn't been blogging.
Thanks <3
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Japan today
I'm going to leave the house in ten minutes now.
I'm glad that it only takes about 15 minutes to get to the airport from my house.
I think I'm going to be late, because my aunt is still in the bathroom.
She takes about 45 minutes every morning...SIGH
ANYWAYS, my Japanese class and I will be going to Tokyo first, then Kyoto, then Gifu, which is near Nagoya!
I'm bringing a mini laptop as well, so I'll probably keep in touch, and possibly update my blog if I'm too lazy to work on my math C assignment instead!
WELL, I wish you all a fun holiday!!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Chocolate Lava Cake White
My aunt has to get up early as well to work.
ANYWAYS, it's sad how Beard Papa is always closed after I finished school. I never got to eat my chocolate lava cake :(
SO, tonight I have decided to try and make one:
I had no dark chocolate so I used white. No cream either, so there go the blueberries.
WELL, I was afraid that it would be too undercooked, so I baked it for 20 minutes instead of 10, as instructed. That explains why the middle didn't 'ooze' out like it should have. Though it wasn't runny at all, the centre was still very soft (: Jono ate two!
I will make it again, but maybe after I come back from Japan~
Monday, September 13, 2010
Chocolate Cookies
Nobody is ever on msn or facebook and etc during exam periods :(
and I have finished my chem EEI, jap and phy studies. I think I'm really sick of it now.
Maybe I need to develope some kind of hobby for myself, instead of just baking and studying, baking and studying, baking and studying...
Nah, this isn't my recipe.
I'm sorry that they look a bit dodgy as well. Dry and deformed. I guess I only needed something to make myself feel accomplished and fulfilled for the day. I will do better next time.
Hehe, I accidently tipped one of the cookie over when it was still soft from the oven. Can you see it?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Last Week
ANYHOW, few continuous nights of nightmares had really got me going moody.
Or maybe it is because I was moody from the beginning that gave me the nightmares.
Apparently, I have also been sleep talking quite a lot lately. Though my aunt always say she could never make out a word in my sleep talk, I don't rule out the possibility that it might have been something rude at some certain point. Dreams can scare me really bad.
ANYWAYS, let's talk about something happy.......................
There are only two words ringing in my head at the moment..... chem EEI...
I felt bad that the call woke her up from an afternoon nap though. It's raining over in Hong Kong, and so she had nothing to do. I don't get it. The rain somehow stopped her from shopping, when the shopping centre is only right beneath the apartment.
SIGH, today I studied, hula-hooped, skipped rope, watched JUNIOR MASTER (YAYYAYAY), and made....
with chocolate sauce
See my books? I'm a good student :D
The first batch was a failure, with the mixture being too runny, so this was actually my second attempt.
I made twelve, but my aunt ate half while they were still cooling on the rack and not even filled. I was sort of pissed off that she didn't ask. That's why I did all the exercise to divert my anger.
Was it because I was moody or would any other person be as angry as well?
ANYHOW, these were the recipes I used:
Gordon Ramsay's for the pastry
This for the custard. It differs to the kind of custard you get from Beard Papa, so don't expect them to be the same.
Ye, I miss the city already. That smell from Beard Papa every morning when I walk past their store.
The chocolate sauce is just the one on the back of the Nestle dark chocolate's package.
I always make sure that there are some already made stored in the fridge. Jono and I eat it with basically everything <3
I'm no good at taking photos. Just want to show you guys how pretty they were.
I think they will taste good too, in some cooking...
ANYWAYS, sorry that I dumped all that onto you guys in just one post. The moody bit I mean. I'll be fine though, because I'm definitely leaving this house by seven thirty tomorrow to go to school. I can't wait. The city makes me happier. People make me happy. Okay, I need to sleep now. Pray for me that I won't get another nightmare! :(
My I heart HK tee (:
Saturday, September 4, 2010
ANYWAYS, the sushi recipe, as requested:
I actually made it on wednesday. Jono kept complaining, because I used chicken breast instead of chicken thigh. So annoying.
(For two sushi rolls)
-2 cups sushi rice
-Sushi vinegar
(cook the rice and add a reasonable amount of vingar to taste. Mix, and set aside)
-1 small bowl of chicken
-2 sheets of seaweed, toasted
-1/2 avocado
-5tbsp white sesame, lightly toasted
-1 cup raw sugar
-1/2 cup soysauce
My recipe isn't one of those perfect ones, because I don't usually measure what I put in, so you might have like extra teriyaki sauce left in your pot :/ You can keep it in the fridge and use it to cook other things though :D
Here it goes:
1. Heat soysauce and sugar in a pot on high, and mix until well combined.
2. Meanwhile, Cut your chicken into stripes
(Maybe half the width of what I have here, because mine turned out to be a little too thick and I had to cut them in half.)
3. By then, your teriyaki sauce should be boiling like this now. Turn the stove off:
(It has to boil like this, or else it won't get the caramelised texture when cooled)
4. Stir fry, pan fry or grill or chicken:
(Note: my chicken stripes where to thick so I cut them in half afterwards)
5. Chuck your chicken stripes into the teriyaki sauce and stir, until well coated.
6. Meanwhile, cut your avocado into stripes as well, similar to the chicken:
7. Place one sheet of the toasted seaweed onto clear wrap. Spread some sushi rice on top until well covered:
8. Flip seaweed and rice over and line up the avocado and chicken on top:
I like to have the chicken marinated for longer, untill they are as dark
9. Roll your sushi from the end with the avocado and the chicken. Pulling out the clear wrap as you go along. Shape you roll into a square by pressing. Pressing harder will also keep the sushi from falling apart.
10. Remove the clean wrap, and coat the sushi roll in sesame. Then cut into pieces with a wet knife.
Hehe, you can see the piece of avo that fell out.
I always sharpen my knife before I cut sushi rolls. They are easy to fall apart when the knife isn't wet or sharp enough.
11. You might like to serve your sushi with mayo and the chicken teriyaki sauce for more flavour!
ANYWAYS, sadly, my second roll was a failure, because I got the seaweed and rice the wrong way around:
I guess it's still alright that way.
WELL, have fun! :D