Monday, October 1, 2012

Last day of holiday

To be honest, even though this holiday was so short (only a week), I never knew it would be one of the funnest I've had. I can't believe I made the effort to go out every single day and not do my presentation work up until now. I'm so proud to say our group was so disorganised and unprepared because now we've all made the most of our holiday :' ).
I think really deserved the fun because we've worked so hard every moment we are in dent school. The pressure of not failing, not getting scolded by lecturers, dentists.....I'm so glad I had so much fun, met so many new people, made so many friends, and most of all surrounded myself with people I love, enjoy hanging out with.
It's so silly how I am writing all this here, but it will sound so cocky if I posted it on Facebook haha...
No one I met, became friends with this year will ever see this, at least not now hehe
(I haven't told anyone about this blog that I always had because I wanted it to truly be my diary..)

So maybe days,weeks or years later when I look back at this I will still remember this holiday...and if anyone of you friends who I became friends with this year ever see this...
I just want to let you know...
that you've came to a special place in my heart that brought you here.

:' )
BOOOOO so cocky 

To dearest friends I made from high school, dental school, HKSA, BSA, and everywhere else.

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