Monday, January 7, 2013

1/1/2013, "New Year, GO!"

A quick head start to the year...woke early and went to bake at 10:30am! 

Good to see Chef again! :)

Everything pistachio
From bottom to top:
Pistachio sponge
Pistachio creme brulee
Pistachio mousse
White chocolate glaze

New Year resolution:
- Love more
- Trust more
- Chill more
- Eat more
- Exercise more
- Sleep more
- Finish school work quicker
- Simplify everything

Grandpa's (Dad's Dad) birthday lunch afterwards.

Grandma (Dad's Mum) is way unforgivable (ever since I've known her)
My family will just call her by full name from now on. Let's call her Sakura.
Good thing to that is, my family is now disconnected from Sakura.
A good year to come where we won't need to visit her on Chinese NY.