Thursday, September 29, 2011

New page

Hey guys, or dear diary?
Haven't written anything in a while, and who knows I would resurface again. :)

I guess all the stress from term three had drained most of my energy away. That probably explains the on and off writing manner of mine.
But now that QCS, UMAT and the last of the most crucial terms are over, I feel lively again, and this holiday had really been the best that I have ever had, and it really feels like I'm recovering.

We went to the beach today!

To tell the truth, because I was so anxious for grade 12, I wasn't able to enjoy the last Christmas holiday that I got to spend with my parents.
This, accounts partly why I am writing again now, and that is because...

I am actually really, really, nervous about seeing them for THREE MONTHS.

I mean, I am excited too. But previously I only went back to Hong Kong for short periods of time, and now that we are living together for much longer...what if they don't like the way I live?? or what if they find it hard to accept my lifestyle??

But after all, they are still my parents, and it won't be too hard right? Right???

Oh, and an eight year old brother who I barely to talked to this year. (That's his fault, because he always runs off when we are on the phone!) We need to bond. :(

1 comment:

  1. ehh... don't worry Jess. You will definitely get along with your parents fine. You're a very flexible person :3 and yeah, I'm pretty sure your parents would still love you even after a long period of time.~ ^O^
